miércoles, enero 01, 2020

Mis Favoritas de Diciembre'19

Little Joe, 2019, Jessica Hausner

Marriage Story, 2019, Noah Baumbach

Atlantique, 2019, Mati Diop

The Lighthouse, 2019, Robert Eggers

One Child Nation, 2019, Zhang Lynn/Nanfu Wang

World of Facts, 2018, Mike Gibisser

Joker, 2019, Todd Phillips

Sky, 2015, Fabienne Berthaud 

Honeyland, 2019, Tamara Kotevska / Ljubomir Stefanov

10 Hala, 2019, Minhal Baig

11 Her Smell, 2019, Alex Ross Perry

12 Ojos Negros, 2018,  Marta Lallana, Ivet Castelo, Iván Alarcón, Sandra García